Turbocharge your restaurant sales with Bamboo

Boost your restaurant’s reach and revenue with Bamboo’s portfolio of high profile delivery-only brands.

We know how difficult scaling a restaurant can be

Having partnered with multiple growing restaurants, we’ve seen how competitive it can be out there. Bamboo can help to generate more sales while maintaining your current operations and expense structure.

Insufficient order volume

When not enough orders are coming in, it’s impacts can be felt through reduced revenue, increased costs, and decreased staff morale, which can harm a restaurant's reputation and capacity utilization.

Underutilized kitchens

Can lead to food waste, under-utilized staff, and slower service. This can result in increased costs, as ingredients and labor are not being used effectively.

Low profit margins

When profit margins are low, it can make it difficult for the restaurant to cover its costs and invest in growth. It may also make it more challenging to attract and retain top talent.

We’ll help you optimize your kitchen’s sales

Match with the right-fit delivery only brands

Find the right match between your kitchen and our data-driven, high profile delivery-only brands based on your existing inventory and equipment.

Expand your kitchen's reach

We’ll list the brands across all major delivery apps, and you’ll be able to cook across multiple categories and cuisine types to get in front of more and more customers

Turbocharge your sales

Watch your order volume and sales increase as your costs stay exactly the same. All you have to do is cook.

Increase in average order volume
Increase in weekly orders

Our setup process is easy and quick

We’ll partner with you throughout the process so that you can get up and running with a set of delivery-only brands that match your kitchen as quickly as possible.

Find the perfect brand match for your business

We'll analyze your menu, inventory, location, competition, and other relevant criteria to determine the best brand matches for you. Our process is designed to find the most suitable brands for your restaurant's needs.

Leave the marketing to us.

We'll run multi-channel marketing and advertising campaigns, including on delivery apps, to increase your visibility and profits. Sit back and let us take care of the marketing and promotion so you can focus on running your business.

Grow your sales and expand your customer base.

Delivery drivers will pick up your new orders and deliver them to customers, just like they would with your brick and mortar orders. With satisfied customers leaving reviews and coming back for more, you can watch your order volume and profitability increase.

Available on all of the major delivery apps

Ready to see Bamboo in action?

Maximize your profitability while utilizing your existing kitchen, staff, and ingredients

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